Potential Drawbacks of the Tesla Model 3 Performance: What to Watch For

Common Issues with the Model 3 Performance

Ben, a proud owner of a Tesla Model 3 Performance, shares his experience with the electric car, highlighting that while he loves it, there are a few aspects to be aware of. Despite his overall satisfaction and willingness to recommend the vehicle, he notes that, like any car, the Model 3 isn’t without its flaws. If you’re considering purchasing this model, it’s important to understand both its strengths and areas for improvement.

Key Areas of Concern

One notable issue is the Model 3’s low ground clearance, which can be problematic for some drivers, particularly in areas with uneven roads or driveways. Additionally, the car’s unique door handles might take some getting used to; testing them during a test drive can help you adapt more quickly. Another concern is the forward collision warning system, which Ben finds excessively sensitive even at its lowest setting—though it’s designed to enhance safety, it can sometimes be overbearing.

Ben also mentions some challenges with Tesla’s Autopilot, particularly the frequent phantom braking, which can be frustrating despite its overall utility. Another minor annoyance includes the automatic wipers, which may not perform as well as expected, along with a noticeably loud fan.

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