Car Collides with SUV in President Biden’s Motorcade During Wilmington Visit

President Joe Biden’s routine visit to a Wilmington campaign office ended with an unexpected jolt when a car crashed into a parked SUV from his motorcade on Sunday evening. The incident occurred just after 8 p.m. as Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were leaving the event, where they had been thanking staff for their efforts in his reelection campaign. The crash happened while Biden was addressing the press about his polling numbers, creating a tense moment for the Secret Service.

The collision, which generated a loud noise on the street, drew immediate attention from the Secret Service. Agents quickly surrounded the car that caused the crash and instructed the driver to comply with their commands. Despite the commotion, the Secret Service later confirmed that the crash was an accident, not an attempted attack on the President, and Biden’s motorcade departed without further incident. Thankfully, no injuries were reported, and the President’s vehicle was not involved in the crash, as Dr. Jill Biden was already in a different SUV.

This incident is a reminder of the unpredictable nature of securing high-profile figures. It’s worth noting that such crashes involving Secret Service vehicles are not unprecedented; earlier this year, a stolen pizza dough truck collided with a Secret Service car, and in late 2022, rental vehicles used by the Service were destroyed in a parking deck fire.

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