President Biden Surprised by Car Collision During Motorcade Departure

During a recent visit to Wilmington, Delaware, President Joe Biden was unexpectedly startled by a sedan crashing into a Secret Service SUV as he was heading to his armored vehicle. The incident occurred as the motorcade was preparing to leave Biden’s campaign headquarters on a busy Sunday night.

The collision happened while the motorcade was managing street closures to secure a clear path for the president’s departure. As the sedan collided with the blocking SUV, President Biden, taken aback by the loud impact, watched as Secret Service agents swiftly intervened, surrounding the vehicle and ordering the driver to surrender. Despite the chaos, President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were quickly escorted to their vehicle and left the scene without any injuries or delays.

The local Wilmington police managed the situation, and initial reports suggest the Secret Service SUV, an armored Suburban, sustained minimal damage. The motorcade, consisting of around 20 to 30 vehicles, including armored Cadillac Escalades and Chevy Suburbans, continued its route as planned. These vehicles, heavily modified for security with features like bulletproof glass and enhanced communications, played a crucial role in ensuring the president’s safety.

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