Heroic Rescue: Good Samaritans Save Driver from Flaming Car in St. Paul

Recently released footage captures the courage of several Good Samaritans as they rescued a driver from a flaming vehicle in St. Paul. Last week, Kadir Tolla happened to encounter the distressing incident while driving into the city, capturing it all on his dashcam. “This was the most terrifying moment of my life,” Tolla recounted. “I noticed the engulfed car and thought immediately there must be someone trapped inside.”

State reports confirm that the mishap occurred when a Honda veered off eastbound Interstate 94, hitting a light pole before smashing into a guardrail. The video vividly depicts the frantic efforts of passersby as they desperately worked to open the vehicle’s doors against the escalating flames. The ordeal ended successfully with the aid of a Minnesota Department of Transportation employee who managed to shatter the driver’s window, facilitating the dramatic rescue. The driver was promptly taken to Regions Hospital, and remarkably, sustained no critical injuries.

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