Bystanders Pull Crash Victim From Burning SUV

A group of good Samaritans rushed over to help a man who was stuck in his burning vehicle after crashing on I-94 in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Authorities said that the driver, 71-year-old Sam Orbovich, struck a light pole and slammed into the guardrail. Orbovich became trapped as his SUV burst into flames.

A group of at least seven people stopped their cars and rushed over to help. Video recorded by Kadir Tolla and shared on Facebook showed the group working together to pull Orbovich from the driver’s side window and out of the burning vehicle.

“All I see is there is a man in the car that can’t get out and needs our help,” Tolla told ABC News.

“It was trying to figure out, one, how to get him out of the car, so trying to break the guardrail down, pulling the car, trying to see if we could get him out on the passenger side, which was also engulfed in flames,” another bystander, Tessa Sand, told ABC News.

“You could see the fear and the panic in his eyes,” Sand said.

Miraculously, Orbovich suffered only minor injuries in the crash and was taken to the hospital.

“It’s 100% a miracle,” Sand said. “If strangers had not come together to form this community to get this man out of the car, I don’t think he would still be here today.”

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