Fatal SUV Crash in Raleigh Results in Death and Multiple Injuries


In a heart-wrenching turn of events, an SUV crash in Raleigh led to one death and several injuries late last night. Jelson Molina Carbajal, 28, was behind the wheel of a 2016 Ford Explorer when he reportedly lost control while navigating a turn from New Bern Avenue onto Poole Road around 2:15 AM. This tragic accident underscores the dire consequences of impaired driving and raises serious concerns about urban road safety.

Detailed Account of the Accident

The Raleigh Police Department reported that the incident occurred when Carbajal, attempting a left turn, hit the curb and subsequently lost control of his vehicle. The out-of-control SUV then crossed back over Poole Road and ascended the sidewalk, striking Demetrius Smith, 47, and two others. Tragically, Smith died from his injuries, a devastating end to what had been an ordinary evening.

Implications and Community Response

Following the incident, Jelson Molina Carbajal faces severe legal repercussions, including charges of driving while impaired and felony death by vehicle. The accident has deeply affected the Raleigh community, serving as a somber warning about the perils of driving under the influence. It is anticipated that this case will prompt local officials and community leaders to reevaluate and possibly strengthen road safety protocols and DUI prevention strategies.


The devastating crash in Raleigh has left the community in mourning and highlighted the critical need for vigilant, responsible driving. The loss of Demetrius Smith has resonated deeply, and many are now closely watching the legal developments involving Carbajal. This incident is a poignant reminder of how crucial it is for all drivers to remain cautious and aware of the lasting impact their driving decisions can have on themselves and others.

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