Florida Father Charged After Toddler Left in Hot Car During Shopping Trip

Harrowing Ordeal in West Palm Beach Parking Lot

In a distressing incident in West Palm Beach, a father faces serious charges after allegedly leaving his 3-year-old daughter in a dangerously hot SUV. The father, identified as 42-year-old Raul Rielo-Fernandez, reportedly parked his 2021 Chevrolet SUV at a Sam’s Club on 45th Street to shop for Mother’s Day gifts, leaving the young child unattended in the back seat. The vehicle was turned off with the windows sealed, escalating the internal temperature as the child remained inside.

Rescue by Alert Shopper and Police Response

The situation came to light when another shopper noticed the distressed child crying and sweating profusely inside the vehicle. Acting quickly, the concerned individual managed to open the vehicle and aid the overheated child. West Palm Beach Police, alerted by an off-duty officer present at the scene, responded promptly to provide necessary assistance. The father returned to the car visibly shocked by the emergency response surrounding his SUV.

Legal Consequences and Ongoing Investigation

Rielo-Fernandez, who has pleaded not guilty to charges of child neglect and leaving a child unattended in a vehicle, told police he had forgotten the child was in the car due to his preoccupation with holiday shopping. The child was immediately rushed to St. Mary’s Medical Center; her condition was not disclosed. The local temperatures recorded around the time of the incident topped 100 degrees, underscoring the lethal conditions the toddler endured. Following the incident, Rielo-Fernandez was released on his own recognizance with a court mandate to avoid any violent contact with the child.

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