Fresno Incident: SUV Collides with Catering Business’s Storage Area

Details of the Fresno Collision

On Wednesday night near Shaw and Van Ness, an unexpected incident occurred when an SUV collided with the back of a building. The accident took place just after 5:30 pm, specifically impacting the storage area of Pardini’s Catering. Fresno police reported that the collision was caused by an elderly driver who mistakenly accelerated instead of braking.

Impact on Business and Individuals

Fortunately, the driver involved in the crash was unharmed, but the accident did result in minor injuries to one employee at the catering business. Despite these injuries, the employee chose not to seek hospital treatment. The incident primarily caused structural damage to the storage area, disrupting the business operations of Pardini’s Catering but thankfully avoiding more serious injuries or fatalities.

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