How Indian SUVs Stand Out from Global Trends: Insights from MG Motor’s Design Director Carl Gotham

Embracing Indian SUV Identity: Insights from Carl Gotham

Carl Gotham, Design Director at MG Motor, emphasizes that Indian SUVs are evolving uniquely compared to global standards. He highlights how the rise of the electric vehicle (EV) market is driving innovation and pushing manufacturers to exceed traditional expectations. This shift demands that carmakers not only adapt to new technologies but also cater to the distinctive preferences of Indian consumers.

The Future of Indian SUV Design

Gotham points out that the future of Indian SUVs will be shaped by a blend of global advancements and local preferences. As the EV market grows, manufacturers are compelled to integrate cutting-edge technology while embracing cultural and regional design elements. This evolution reflects a broader trend of tailoring vehicle designs to meet diverse market demands, ensuring both innovation and relevance.

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