Arnold Police seek man who allegedly fled from officers in stolen SUV

Arnold Police are trying to identify a man who reportedly was driving a stolen SUV in the city, failed to pull over for officers and fled from them. The suspect was last seen in the SUV, a black Nissan Rogue, headed south into Jefferson County, police reported.

At 10:04 a.m. July 2, police were alerted that the SUV was in the city after Flock license-plate reading cameras spotted it in the area around Jeffco and Starling Airport Road. The SUV had been reported stolen in St. Louis County on June 2, Arnold Police Lt. Jeremy Christopher said.

Officers saw the SUV at Jeffco and Michigan Avenue, and the driver allegedly would not pull over. Police tried to use spike strips to disable the SUV at Jeffco and Dohack Boulevard, but the attempt was unsuccessful and the man got away, Christopher said.

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