Drunk Driver Crashes into SUV in Biden’s Motorcade Near Wilmington Campaign Office

President Joe Biden was briefly startled by a loud crash as he exited his campaign headquarters in Wilmington on Sunday night, when a car collided with a parked SUV from his motorcade. The incident occurred while Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were leaving the event, but fortunately, neither of them was injured. The collision happened as Biden was making his way to his waiting armored vehicle, and the motorcade was quickly secured.

According to Wilmington police, a 46-year-old local man, who was suspected of driving under the influence, accidentally crashed into the U.S. Secret Service SUV that was stationed to secure the area around Biden’s visit. The driver attempted to drive further into the restricted area before Secret Service agents intervened, drawing their weapons and directing him to comply. Following the incident, the driver was charged with drunk driving and inattentive driving.

The crash caused a loud noise that briefly disrupted the area, but the president’s departure was not delayed. The Secret Service confirmed that the incident did not pose a serious threat to Biden, and his schedule proceeded as planned. This event highlights the importance of rigorous security measures, as even minor accidents can cause significant concern during high-profile events.

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