Major Turnpike Accident: SUV and Tractor-Trailer Collision Causes Widespread Disruption

Unexpected Traffic Snarl on Pennsylvania Turnpike

A severe collision early Wednesday morning involving a tractor-trailer and an SUV caused major disruptions on the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Northeast Extension near the Lehigh Valley exit. The crash left the SUV perched perilously on the median barrier, drawing immediate emergency responses and significantly affecting the flow of traffic during the peak rush hour.

Comprehensive Traffic Impact and Investigation Underway

The collision, which occurred while the vehicles were heading southbound, affected traffic on both sides of the highway due to its location near the central barrier. The aftermath led to prolonged delays on the Turnpike itself and spilled over onto Route 22, causing headaches for morning commuters. State police are currently investigating the incident but have yet to determine the cause or report any injuries, continuing to assess the broader impacts of this disruptive event.

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