Instacart Driver Narrowly Escapes Injury as SUV Rams Car During Police Chase in Seattle

Terrifying Ordeal in Seattle Parking Lot

Awet Gebremariam, an Instacart driver, experienced a harrowing escape when his car was violently rammed by an SUV in a Seattle parking lot. The incident occurred while Gebremariam was inside the Ballard Fred Meyer selecting items for a delivery. Unbeknownst to him, outside, his Toyota Prius was being shoved around by the SUV, which police later identified as stolen, in a desperate attempt by the SUV’s driver to evade arrest.

Immediate Aftermath and Personal Impact

After completing his shopping, Gebremariam returned to find his vehicle severely damaged, displaced several feet from where he had parked it. Shocked by the destruction, he expressed concern over his family’s welfare, especially since he is the primary provider for his wife and five young children. The Prius, although operational, was left with significant damage, prompting Gebremariam to worry about how he would continue to support his family through his delivery job.

Resilience and Community Support

Despite the trauma and potential financial strain, Gebremariam was determined to continue working. He managed to start his battered car, its engine light flashing a warning, and proceeded to complete his scheduled deliveries for the day. Understanding the crucial need for a reliable vehicle, he initiated an online fundraiser to cover the repair costs, demonstrating his resilience and commitment to his family amidst adversity. Meanwhile, Seattle Police took the SUV driver into custody, facing multiple charges including assault and possession of a stolen vehicle.

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