Avoid These First Time Car Buyer Mistakes

Getting your first vehicle is a significant right of passage. This is especially true when you’re responsible for the ground of work before the purchase. However, there are mistakes that a first time car buyer can make that will negatively impact them. Truthfully, some more experienced drivers can make similar mistakes that can make ownership a nightmare.

A common first time car buyer mistake is not researching

Many first time car buyer mistakes can cause issues down the road. However, one of the worst is not doing research beforehand. In fact, some people know they want to buy a vehicle but show up at the dealership and only take the salesperson’s suggestions. According to Lending Tree, about 40 percent of buyers later regret their choice.

Research is necessary so that a first time car buyer can find a car they love, but they can also ensure that it has a history that makes it more likely to be reliable. Besides early maintenance issues with the car, one of the worst things that can happen is to realize you need something else out of a vehicle than what you bargained for. Ultimately, a test drive isn’t enough. Still, this is an important step.

Not shopping around

Another first time car buyer mistake is not shopping around. Instead, they see shiny metal on a dealer lot and decide to give that company their business. However, shopping around for a new vehicle gives buyers much more freedom because the vehicle they want could be priced differently at a different lot. It’s also important to investigate the history of any car lot you’re considering.

A first time car buyer might get a car that’s too expensive

A first time buyer could easily make the mistake of getting a vehicle priced beyond their budget. This is because they can negotiate lower monthly payments to, in their mind, offset the price tag. However, expensive vehicles have pricey requirements that many first time buyers can’t afford. This is especially true for people who get luxury cars before they’re financially ready.

This is also why research is necessary. There are some expensive but unreliable cars on the market. So, getting a long contract on an expensive vehicle with poor reliability ratings could be a significant mistake. Of course, the first time car buyer also needs to understand fuel costs and the economy their vehicle of choice grants.

Not considering used cars

Many first time car buyers who have a decent income don’t consider used cars. This is because some inexperienced buyers look down on even the best used cars. However, there are many solid options that people have people have owned previously. In fact, buying a certified pre-owned model offers some of the peace of mind that new car buyers have.

Overall, getting a new car is an exciting endeavor. However, people need to do research, know what they want, and perhaps most importantly, don’t buy a vehicle based solely on how it looks or drives. There’s much more to the process than this.

Are Extended Car Warranties Worth It?

Purchasing a vehicle is a monumental achievement. However, people who buy cars have quite a bit to consider. Of these things, whether extended warranties are worth it for your car is among the biggest. Of course, some owners go for coverage from the manufacturer whereas others use car warranty companies. Still, many drivers wonder if getting an extended warranty for their car is worth it.

Extended car warranties aren’t cheap and most people don’t use them

One of the reasons some people don’t buy extended car warranties is their price. Naturally, the amount of coverage needed for a vehicle isn’t going to be cheap, but this can be off putting for many. According to Market Watch, the average cost of an extended car warranty from a dealer or third party company ranges from $1,152 and $6,192. Of course, this depends on the vehicle and type of plan.

Consumer Affairs reports that about 37% of car owners have extended warranties. However, the same survey found that only 10% of people with these types of car warranties used them. It should be noted that other surveys had more favorable results for getting an extended car warranty from companies or manufacturers.

Extended car warranties from companies and manufacturers have pros and cons

There are many reasons why some people decide to get extended car warranties and there is also justification for those who elect not to. In many ways, it does come down to your budget because as mentioned, extended car warranties are not cheap. Drivers also have to be aware that third party extended warranty companies can also have other fees. Still, prices aren’t the only pros or cons.

Pros of getting an extended warranty

We love our cars, but they can be unpredictable. This means that a person could go out and buy a vehicle that’s won all sorts of reliability awards and still have issues that arise after the standard warranty ends. Because of this, car warranties offer peace of mind. This is even the case if you never use the extended warranty.

This is especially true for drivers who may not have the income needed for a significant repair but can afford the cost of extended vehicle coverage. Still, people should weight their options against their needs for extended car warranties

Cons of getting extended coverage

There are also many downsides to these types of warranties. Many of them have to do with the cost, but there are also others that potential buyers should be aware of. For starters, these warranties don’t cover all damages, and protection for your car from companies rather than the manufacturer is even worse for this as their contacts exist to protect them.

For example, this expensive coverage may not include the cost of a rental car. This is important because your vehicle could be in the shop for an extended timeframe. Naturally, they don’t pay for repairs resulting from car accidents, theft, or natural disasters. Additionally, there are many reasons third party car warranty companies could void your coverage. Plus, they don’t last forever.

Overall, the decision to get these types of car warranties depends on the driver in question. If you have the money for an extended warranty and believe it could come in handy, many people would agree with you. Additionally, if a major repair would be impossible on your budget but you can afford coverage, it could also be a great idea. Still, many people elect not to get extended coverage.

The Nissan Model with the Lowest Maintenance Costs May Surprise You

Understanding Nissan’s Maintenance Cost Performance

When choosing a vehicle, understanding long-term maintenance costs is crucial to avoid unexpected expenses. Although the Nissan Versa and Versa Note are known for their low purchase prices, they don’t hold the top spot for the lowest annual maintenance costs. According to RepairPal, the Nissan Rogue Select, an SUV from 2014-2015, actually leads with the lowest maintenance expenses among Nissan’s lineup.

Why the Rogue Select Outperforms the Versa

Contrary to the expectation that lower-cost models will have the cheapest upkeep, the Rogue Select stands out with its average annual maintenance cost of $436. This figure is notably lower compared to the Versa sedan’s $456 and the Versa Note’s $445. Despite being an older model, the Rogue Select’s reliability and minimal repair needs contribute to its impressive cost-effectiveness, making it a smart choice for budget-conscious drivers.