How Tesla’s Price Cuts Almost Disrupted an EV Subscription Startup

Price Cuts Threaten Autonomy Inc.’s Viability

Tesla’s aggressive price reductions and rising inventory levels nearly derailed Scott Painter’s ambitious venture, Autonomy Inc. Painter, renowned for founding companies like Fair and TrueCar, had initially planned to acquire $1.2 billion worth of electric vehicles (EVs) from Tesla, General Motors, and Volkswagen. These vehicles, intended for a subscription-based service, saw their value plummet overnight due to Tesla’s global price war, reducing the fleet’s worth from $85 million to approximately $57 million almost instantly.

Strategic Overhaul Amidst Market Turmoil

Facing financial strain, Autonomy Inc. underwent significant restructuring, including workforce reductions from 120 to 45 employees and securing $12 million in emergency funding. The startup, which initially aimed to purchase 23,000 EVs from 17 different manufacturers, has now scaled back to about 1,300 vehicles, with a target of 3,000 to stabilize operations. This adjustment comes as EV inventories in the U.S. surged by 342% compared to the previous year, reflecting a market oversupply.

Market Impact and Consumer Benefits

The current surge in EV inventory and ongoing price cuts are benefiting consumers with more affordable options. For example, the 2023 Tesla Model 3’s starting price has dropped from $43,000 to $40,240, and with tax incentives, the effective cost is around $34,380. This pricing strategy has contributed to Tesla’s record-breaking deliveries and reshaped the competitive landscape in the EV market.

Tesla Alerts Buyers: Federal Tax Credit for Model 3 May Drop in 2024

Possible Reduction in Federal Tax Credit

Tesla has recently updated its U.S. Model 3 ordering page, indicating that the federal tax credit for the vehicle might be reduced after December 31, 2023. Currently, all versions of the Model 3 and Model Y are eligible for a $7,500 tax credit under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. However, this credit might not remain at its full amount next year, though details on the exact changes or whether they will affect all Model 3 versions are not yet clear.

Anticipated Changes and Battery Requirements

The potential reduction in the tax credit could be tied to new battery component requirements set to take effect in 2024. Under the revised rules, 50% of critical minerals and 60% of battery components must be sourced or produced in North America to qualify for the full credit. If Tesla struggles to meet these criteria, the tax credit could drop from $7,500 to $3,750, a significant decrease that might influence buyer decisions.

Strategic Implications for Potential Buyers

Tesla’s early warning about the possible tax credit reduction may be a strategic move to encourage purchases before the end of the year. By alerting customers to the potential decrease, Tesla aims to boost sales and clear inventory before new regulations come into play. This approach highlights the importance of staying informed about changing incentives that can impact the total cost of a new vehicle.

Tesla’s Impressive Water-Crossing Capabilities Demonstrated at English River

Teslas Navigate Nottinghamshire River with Ease

In Nottinghamshire, England, a river crossing known as the Rufford ford has become a notable spot for demonstrating vehicle robustness, particularly for Tesla vehicles. This location, part of the Rainworth Water River, requires drivers to navigate through water to continue their journey. The surrounding picturesque English countryside adds to the charm of this unique crossing point, which has grown in popularity due to its challenges and the impressive capabilities of Tesla cars that frequent it.

Teslas Showcase Durability in Water

Recent footage highlighted by a popular YouTuber captures several Tesla models effortlessly traversing the ford, often with water levels high enough to reach the vehicles’ headlights. This spectacle, enhanced by seasonal rains, turns the ford into a deep and wide challenge. Teslas’ ability to handle such watery paths is attributed to their well-sealed motors and batteries, which are designed to withstand short periods of submersion—a fact supported by Elon Musk’s previous assertions about Tesla’s water-fording abilities.

Caution Advised Despite Teslas’ Capabilities

While Teslas have proven their capacity to handle water crossings at Rufford ford without damage, it’s crucial to approach such situations with caution. Elon Musk has playfully noted that while a Tesla can function like a boat momentarily, such feats are not recommended for safety reasons. The sealed design of electric vehicles offers some protection against water, unlike traditional internal combustion engine vehicles that have vulnerable air intakes and exhaust systems. However, for anyone considering testing their Tesla’s limits, it’s best to remember that these vehicles are primarily designed for the road, not waterways.

Watch Every Tesla Model Ford A Deep River In England

“A Tesla works as a boat for short periods of time,” tweeted CEO Elon Musk in 2020. As EVs have no air intake, the motor and battery are water sealed, he said. Fast forward to 2023, and it seems like some Tesla owners are taking Musk too seriously.

A river crossing in Nottinghamshire, England has reportedly become somewhat of a tourist attraction in recent years. Christened the Rufford ford, it is part of the Rainworth Water River, which commuters have to cross to get to the other side.

The ford is nestled in the English countryside, with a narrow patch of tarmac passing under a canopy of trees.

A YouTuber’s recent video showcases several Tesla cars easily trundling past the ford, which appears deep enough to submerge a Model 3’s headlamps. The water levels ebb and flow depending on the weather, and The Guardian reported that social media fueled a car-gazing craze at the spot.

The report also said that after rains, the crossing can be several feet deep and 30 feet wide. It’s quite impressive how the Teslas get through sans hiccups. It’s common knowledge that EV batteries and drivetrains are water sealed, and can sustain water exposure for brief time periods.

The same cannot be said about all internal combustion engined cars, which may be limited by air intakes, exhaust, and possibly other elements – unless they’re engineered to be go-anywhere rough terrain-tackling SUVs.

“We definitely don’t recommend this, but the Model S floats well enough to turn it into a boat, for short periods of time, thrust via wheel rotation,” tweeted Musk in 2016. He even shared a video of a Model S swimming through a flooded tunnel while ICE cars appeared stuck.

Although one Model S user, owner of an older version of the EV, said his car failed after driving in the rain. Musk has made <a href=”

Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 29, 2022

” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>similar claims about the upcoming Cybertruck, which can apparently cross rivers, lakes, and even seas that aren’t too choppy.

It’s safe to say that if you encounter small and shallow water crossings, your Tesla is likely to drive past comfortably. Teslas have earned top safety ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety (IIHS). As for the boating claims, I’d regard those with caution.

Watch the Rufford ford video above, and let us know in the comments what you think of Teslas’ water-wading abilities.

Texas Again Delays Vote On Tying EV Charging Funds To Tesla’s NACS

Texas has reportedly delayed a vote on grants of federal funds to build EV chargers to August 16 after several charging companies protested the plan to include Tesla’s NACS connector in charging stations.

A Reuters report cited three unnamed sources who claimed the vote was postponed because of the pushback from EV charging companies.

Texas’ department of transportation confirmed that the issue was removed from the agency’s July agenda “at the discretion of the commissioners,” adding that the agenda for the August meeting had not been finalized. The vote in Texas could be key as it could influence other states to do the same.

On June 21, Texas announced plans to mandate EV charging companies to include Tesla’s North American Charging Standard (NACS) alongside the US standard Combined Charging System (CCS) if they wanted access to federal funds as part of a program to electrify highways.

However, days later, EV charger makers and operators including ChargePoint, FLO, ABB, FreeWire, and EVBox, criticized the plan, calling it “premature.”

In a letter to Texas Transportation Commission’s chairman, the companies said more time was needed to test the interoperability of Tesla’s connectors with the CCS standard.

Before the latest postponement, the vote had already been delayed once to July 11 from June 29 after members of Texas’ transport commission, including the chairman, said they wanted to understand NACS and its implications before voting on the issue.

“We do think the reason why this decision is being punted is there is reaction within the industry that this is a big announcement and let’s just do this responsibly,” an unnamed executive from an EV charging company told Reuters.

The same source said that “Texas is a bit of a bulwark” and what Texas does “sets a precedent for other state transport departments.” So far, Washington state has talked about similar plans and Kentucky has mandated that EV charging companies include Tesla’s plug.

The federal funds for EV charging stations require charging companies to offer CCS, but plans to adopt Tesla’s NACS connector by Ford and General Motors have prompted other carmakers and charging companies to embrace the technology.

Tesla Dashcam Captures Honda Flipping Over in Rear-End Collision

Dramatic Early Morning Accident Captured on Tesla Dashcam

A Tesla Model 3 driver, six months pregnant, experienced a harrowing moment early in the morning after dropping her husband off at the airport. While waiting for a traffic light to change at 4:30 a.m., her vehicle was rear-ended by a Honda that veered into her lane, causing the Honda to flip onto its roof before landing back on its wheels. Thankfully, both the driver, Mala Arguello, and her unborn child emerged unscathed, highlighting the resilience of human life over material possessions.

Investigation and Dashcam Insights

Despite the fortunate outcome, the aftermath was complicated. Mala Arguello had previously noticed the Honda stopped in the middle of an exit and witnessed it swerving erratically before the collision. Although the footage from the Tesla dashcam and another Tesla on the scene was reviewed, the police attributed the accident to the Honda driver possibly falling asleep, as their policy only mandates DUI investigations if alcohol is suspected and there are fatalities involved.

The Power of Dashcam Technology

Tesla’s dashcam feature has proven its value in documenting significant accidents, such as a recent incident where a Kia Soul was airborne after being struck by a runaway wheel. These recordings offer critical evidence in understanding and resolving road incidents, showcasing the growing importance of in-car camera systems in enhancing road safety and accountability.

Tesla’s Electric Minibus Prototype Surfaces in Leaked Video

Mysterious New Tesla Van Sparks Excitement

A video circulating on social media, shared by Las Vegas-based content creator Jacob Orth, seemingly showcases Tesla’s electric minibus prototype. Featuring the company’s logo prominently on the steering wheel, this prototype appears to be in the early stages of development, with its design hinting at a sleek, autonomous shuttle bus. The vehicle boasts a spacious interior with 12 seats and a large glazed area, enhancing its futuristic appeal.

Potential Connection to The Boring Company’s Vision

This prototype could potentially align with Tesla’s long-discussed ambitions for high-density urban transport, first highlighted in their 2016 Master Plan Part 2. While the video’s authenticity remains unconfirmed, it bears resemblance to earlier concepts proposed by The Boring Company for its Las Vegas Loop. Whether this prototype will evolve into a practical vehicle or remains a concept is yet to be seen, but the buzz around it suggests that Tesla might be nearing a significant breakthrough in electric urban transport solutions.