Enhancing EV Accessibility: New Charging Stations Transform Apartment Living

Navigating EV Charging Challenges in Urban Living

The transition to owning an all-electric vehicle in an urban apartment setting poses significant challenges due to the scarcity of personal charging stations. Many residents, constrained by the availability of only public charging options, find this lack of accessibility a major hurdle. However, developments are underway as more residential complexes begin to equip themselves with dedicated EV charging stations, easing the reliance on external charging points.

Expansion of EV Charging Facilities in Residential Areas

It is estimated that 20% of American motorists reside in apartment complexes, where the adoption of electric vehicles has been notably slow due to inadequate charging infrastructure. Presently, only a small fraction of these living spaces, under 5%, are equipped with EV chargers, limiting the practicality of owning an electric vehicle. The growing demand for in-house charging solutions is prompting property managers to adopt these technologies to attract and retain environmentally conscious tenants.

Strategic Partnerships to Improve EV Infrastructure

Facing the complexities of installing and maintaining EV charging stations, several real estate companies are now partnering with firms like EnviroSpark, which specializes in the deployment of EV charging solutions across residential properties. These collaborations are proving instrumental in alleviating the cost and operational challenges associated with the adoption of such infrastructure, ensuring tenants have reliable access to charging facilities. This initiative is pivotal in smoothing the transition for residents towards sustainable transportation options, ultimately supporting broader environmental objectives and enhancing tenant convenience.

Enhanced Insights and Outlook on EV Adoption

Home Charging: Central to the EV Experience

Data from the Department of Energy reveals that the majority of electric vehicle owners, approximately 80%, prefer charging their cars at home due to the convenience it offers over public charging stations. The process of charging an electric vehicle at home, although time-consuming, provides a level of ease not attainable with traditional fueling methods. Expanding these home charging capabilities within apartment complexes is critical for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

Potential Impact on Electric Vehicle Adoption

The incorporation of comprehensive EV charging infrastructures in multi-unit dwellings marks a crucial advancement for the electric vehicle industry. This enhancement not only makes electric vehicles more appealing but also addresses significant barriers to adoption. As residential complexes continue to integrate these facilities, the landscape of urban electric vehicle ownership is expected to transform, fostering significant growth in the sector and supporting sustainable urban transportation.

How to Clean Your Car’s Interior With Common Household Products

There are a ton of articles and videos out there on how to clean your car with common household items. Here, I’ll share a few of my own tips and tricks.

You can clean fabric upholstery and carpets with a simple solution

If you don’t have any formal upholstery cleaning equipment, no worries. You can use diluted laundry detergent to freshen up your fabric seats and carpets. My favorite DIY secret ingredient is powdered Tide, but liquid detergent will work, too. You can use a “clean” or “free” detergent if you wish. There are many recipes out there for homemade cloth seat cleansers. Keep in mind that most involve some sort of product like oxygen bleach or dish soap.

In this use case, simply mix a small amount of detergent – think 1/4 teaspoon – into a bucket filled with very warm water. Add a clean rag or soft-bristled brush. Use the rag or brush to swipe the seats well.

Once you’re done wiping with the solution, you can swap for a clean rag and another bucket of clean, warm water. Give the seats another wipe-down.

Repeat the process for carpeting. You can go more aggressive with brushing here. Leave the windows or doors open to let the interior air dry, or you can use a vacuum to speed the process up.

You can use dish soap + water to clean leather seats, the dash, and the center console

To clean leather seats, the car’s dashboard, and the center console, including the steering wheel and cup holders, you can mix dish soap with warm water. You can use well-known brands or more natural castile soap. Like the fabric seat solution, think ½ teaspoon of soap to a filled bucket. Use with a clean towel to wipe all surfaces.

You can use a toothbrush or Q-tips to address any tough areas. Feel free to let cruddy nooks sit in the solution for a bit to loosen up.

Once you’ve gotten everything clean, swap to a clean towel and a fresh bucket of warm water to do a rinse-wipe.

To protect the dash, you can mix a base oil (some have used olive oil, others mineral oil) with a few drops of scented essential oil (pine, orange, whatever) and wipe the hard surfaces with it.

Once you clean your car interior, I typically place a dryer sheet under the driver’s seat. It will absorb future odors plus serve as an air freshener. I’m sensitive to strong car fresheners, so the dryer sheet under the seat has been a good choice for me, at least!

Cost Comparison: Robotic Lawn Mowers vs. Professional Lawn Care Services in 2024


Exploring the cost-effectiveness of robot lawn mowers compared to traditional lawn services is becoming increasingly relevant for homeowners. With technological advancements, the allure of automating lawn care with a robotic mower is tempting for those tired of manual upkeep. Yet, the financial implications of such an investment can be substantial when compared to hiring professionals.

Analyzing Costs: Robot Mowers vs. Professional Services

While the idea of sitting back while a robotic mower does the work sounds appealing, initial costs for high-quality, autonomous mowers are significant. Brands like Husqvarna, Ambrogio, and Worx offer mid to high-tier models that might cost more initially than a year’s worth of professional lawn care services. For example, a top-tier robotic mower could exceed the expense of weekly professional lawn maintenance which averages around $1,040 annually, based on a rate of $40 per visit.

Long-term Investment: Evaluating the True Cost of Robotic Lawn Care

Purchasing a robotic lawn mower like the Husqvarna Automower 430X or the Mammotion LUBA AWD 5000 is an investment in long-term convenience and efficiency. These machines, designed to last several years, come with warranties that protect their hardware and batteries, potentially offering a good return over time. In contrast, professional services provide immediate, hassle-free care without the upfront hardware costs but require ongoing financial commitment and can contribute to environmental pollution through gasoline emissions and transportation.

Environmental and Operational Considerations

Switching to a robotic mower might reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional gasoline-powered mowers and the transportation emissions from service crews traveling to your property. This environmental saving aligns with the increasing push towards greener, more sustainable home maintenance solutions. However, the energy consumption of robotic mowers still depends on the source of your electricity grid, highlighting the importance of considering all environmental impacts.

A robot lawn mower mows a lawn next to a little wall.
A robot lawn mower skirts a wall | Melissa Mott via iStock


Deciding between investing in a robotic lawn mower and opting for professional lawn care services involves weighing the upfront costs against long-term benefits and environmental impact. While robotic mowers promise convenience and potentially lower long-term costs, professional services remain a practical option for those avoiding large initial investments. Homeowners should consider their specific needs, lawn size, and financial flexibility when choosing the best lawn care solution for their lifestyle.


  • Which is more cost-effective in the long run, robotic mowers or professional services?
    • Depending on the model and usage, robotic mowers may offer more savings over time compared to the recurring costs of professional services.
  • Can robotic lawn mowers handle large properties as effectively as professional crews?
    • Advanced models are capable of managing significant lawn sizes, but very large or complex landscapes might still benefit from professional care.
  • What are the environmental benefits of using robotic lawn mowers?
    • Robotic mowers reduce emissions related to gasoline and diminish noise pollution, contributing to a cleaner environment.

Common Reasons the Warranty for Your Car Could Be Voided

The warranty in a new car can be voided for a number of reasons.

Understanding the warranty is a significant aspect of owning a new car. This is because it offers protection if something goes wrong. Of course, most people stick with the included warranties. However, there are also car warranty companies that provide third-party coverage. This is important because even the best cars can have issues within the first few years of ownership.

Reasons your car warranty could be voided

Buyers should also know that some actions and circumstances could lead to the voiding of a car warranty. This means you’re on the hook if something does go wrong with your new car. One of the easiest to understand reasons is if you’re involved in a severe car accident that results in a salvaged title. This happens because even if you can use the car after the accident, there’s a high likelihood of future issues that stem from the accident rather than any defects.

The car warranty is one of the most important parts of a vehicle
A car in a flood | igorcorovic via iStock

Misusing the vehicle is another reason. This can be due to racing or using the car to compete in other ways. Additionally, going off-road in a vehicle not intended for this purpose can end in the same result. It can also happen from overloading the car, which includes towing.

Unfortunately, damage from environmental factors such as floods, storms, and earthquakes can cause an owner to lose their car warranty. The same is true for tampering with the odometer because it would make it impossible to determine the amount of miles you’ve driven the car.

Types of car warranties

So, what is a car warranty? Warranties protect the customer from the financial burden that can come from vehicle defects. These would be issues that wouldn’t come from wear and tear. Of course, these issues can often be expensive. Because of this, many people consider how long the warranties last when deciding on a new vehicle. Unfortunately, some of the best cars don’t have the best coverage.

There are seven main types of car warranties from companies:

  • Comprehensive or bumper-to-bumper warranty- As the name suggests, it covers every aspect of your new car
  • Powertrain Warranty- This covers the mechanical aspects of your car.
  • Restraint Systems Warranty-Covers seat belts and airbags.
  • Corrosion- Typically covers replacing body panels that are rusted through. Requires severe corrosion in most cases.
  • Emissions Warranty- Covers aspects of a car that limit emissions. These vary state to state.
  • Warranties specifically for hybrid and EV components
  • Extended Warranties- They take over coverage once the manufacturer’s warranty expires and come at an extra cost.

Of course, there are also car warranty companies. These are third-party options that vehicle owners can acquire if they’d rather seek coverage elsewhere. This can be a good option because they are less restrictive and sometimes offer features such as roadside assistance. According to Consumer Affairs, about 23% of warranty buyers go through third-party car warranty companies.

Warranties add value to even the best cars on the market. However, buyers should be sure to read all contracts to ensure they’re not committing behaviors that could cause them to lose coverage.

Some Drivers Wrapping Their Key Fobs in Aluminum Foil for Safety

This bizarre practice might actually protect your car.

Here’s an intriguing puzzle: Some drivers are keeping a few pieces of aluminum foil by the front door. When they pull their car key fob out of their pocket, they wrap the foil around it and stow the entire thing on a shelf or counter for the night. No, the reflective layer isn’t to help them find their keys in the morning. This is a protective measure to keep their car from getting stolen.

Car thieves have developed a clever way to steal the most advanced cars. I’m talking about luxury models that have both keyless entry and keyless start, cars that only need you to have your key in your pocket to drive them away. Once thief waits by the car with a signal receiver/emitter. The other deploys an antenna by your door and captures the key fobs signal. By relaying the signals from both the key and the car, these two devices can make the vehicle think the key is nearby.

This car theft strategy is called a “relay attack.” While it’s been technically possible for years, the cost of the necessary equipment is going down while the range they can work at is going up. Worst of all, when thieves find a vulnerability in a certain make or model of car, they have been sharing it on social media. This results in certain “trending” vehicles being stolen.

Car thief looking through a window with a flashlight to prepare for a relay attack
Car thief | welcomia via iStockPhoto

So can wrapping your key fob in aluminum wrap…foil the thieves?

Puns aside, it could potentially work. Some experts I’ve read say you’ll really need multiple sheets of aluminum foil. And even then, all you’re doing is weakening the signal. But there are alternative methods that are a better bet.

Shutting down your car’s keyless entry feature–either for the night or indefinitely–is a sure way to thwart a relay attack. Note that if you have a key fob that requires you click a button to unlock your car, the relay attack won’t work.

If your automaker won’t let you disable this feature, the simplest solution is to move your key fob away from the door. But remember to move your spares as well. And finally, you can keep your key fob in a specially-build “”RFID blocker” pouch or box.

Next, read about the ‘Kia Boys’ who are showing TikTok users how to steal cars, or see a relay theft for yourself learn some ways to protect your keyless entry car in the video embedded below:

Cyberattack Spurns Another Stellantis Lawsuit Against Suppliers; This Is Getting Old

The most recent legal battle for Stellantis started with a cyberattack on the supplier.

Cyberattacks cause serious problems for many companies. Last year, one such attack caused a Stellantis supplier to halt operations and deliveries of some parts to auto plants in Detroit and Mexico. Stellantis claims this cost the automaker $26 million, which they promptly charged the supplier. This created the most recent legal battle for the automaker.

Yanfeng fights back in the courtroom

Yanfeng, the subject of Stellantis’ most recent legal ire, makes instrument panels, door panels, and center consoles for Ram and Jeep vehicles. On three different dates in January, Yanfeng halted the delivery of components to Stellantis. This spurned the automaker’s filing for an injunction against the supplier.

“Immediate injunction relief is necessary not just to prevent irreparable harm to [Stellantis] but also to avoid widespread disruption and catastrophic harm across the automotive industry if Yanfeng abandons its obligations under the parties’ contracts.”

– Stellantis Lawyers

In addition to the $26 million in claimed losses due to the cyberattack, Stellantis claims to have lost more than $300 million in revenue because of the halted deliveries and the inability to complete 6,000 Jeep and Ram vehicles.

The courtroom battles continue with a judge granting the injunction, but Yanfeng countersuing to have the suit dismissed. This countersuit is for damages incurred because Stellantis’:

“practice of systematically ordering components and effectively canceling its orders last minute including labor, storage, scrap, and raw material costs unnecessarily incurred by Yanfeng.”

2024 Ram 1500 TRX tackles an off-road trail.
2024 Ram 1500 TRX | Ram

Is a hard line the right line?

Since the creation of Stellantis, formerly FCA, the automaker has held a hard line with suppliers. This has led to court battles between the two sides. The cyberattack on Yanfeng is only the most recent issue to reach courts. The automaker is also in legal battles with Kamax and MacLean-Fogg. Kamax makes fasteners and MacLean-Fogg makes pinions and gears for transmissions. These two companies seem pretty important to Stellantis’ success.

Suppliers are becoming frustrated with the automaker no longer accepting claims for cost increases. The hard lines this automaker chooses to take with its suppliers cause tensions to boil over and could lead to canceled contracts, which isn’t the relationship any automaker desires with suppliers.

Truck Driver and Veteran Saves Choking Woman’s Life

Jeff Hanus is an American hero. He may deny it, but the truth is that this hardworking renaissance man’s quick thinking saved an Illinois woman’s life.

Hanus is a cement truck driver. In late 2023, he was waiting at a highway job site on I-55, so he took the opportunity to kick back, chew on a snack, and listen to some classical Chinese violin. (Did I mention that he is a complete renaissance man?)

Well, his well-earned break was interrupted when an SUV pulled out of oncoming traffic and directly up to the front of Hanus’ big rig. A woman jumped out and began gesturing wildly. Hanus didn’t get mad, but calmly studied her and realized that she had both her hands on her throat in the international symbol for “I’m choking.”

The woman, near death, had chosen the right truck. As a former Army infantryman, Hanus also has medical training. (Again, what can’t this guy do?) He leapt out of his truck, ran to the woman, and performed the Heimlich maneuver. Two thrusts of his fists and she coughed up the fast food that had nearly killed her.

She looked a bit unsteady, so Hanus escorted her back to her car. He found two terrified toddlers in the back seat. (Cue slow clap).

When interviewers called Hanus a hero he dismissed them. “I was in the right place at the right time, and I did what, in my opinion, most people would have done.” They rightfully pressed the subject. So the trucker/veteran/violin aficionado/philosopher offered a bit of wisdom we could all benefit from:

“There’s a Native American saying: it is not the path that we walk, it is how many lives we touch along the way.”

Jeff Hanus

After the story made the news, the Chicago Bulls reached out to gift Hanus and his family courtside tickets. I’d say that’s the least Illinois can do for this inspiring hero.

Is Ryan Gosling’s ‘The Fall Guy’ More Than Just a Car Movie?

The trailer for The Fall Guy showcases numerous thrilling car chases, but there’s a unique twist to this film. Featuring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, the movie is helmed by David Leitch, known for his high-octane action films like John Wick and Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw. While the trailer’s adrenaline-pumping scenes hint at a car-centric plot, the movie actually revolves around the behind-the-scenes drama of creating a car film, blending real-world chases with a meta twist about Hollywood stunts.

Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt in “The Fall Guy” | Universal Studios via YouTube

Director David Leitch, renowned for his action-comedy expertise, collaborates with Gosling, whose comedic talent shines in every role. In The Fall Guy, Gosling portrays a stuntman working on a sci-fi film who also gets entangled in the film’s romantic and action-packed narrative. The film includes futuristic races and impressive stunt sequences, featuring a Hummer EV camera crane and a Dodge Challenger in high-speed scenes, though it cleverly avoids damaging classic vehicles, like the 1981 GMC K-2500 Wideside showcased in the film.

Ryan Gosling in “The Fall Guy” | Universal via YouTube

Jerry Seinfeld’s Elite Sports Car Collection: A Peek Into Automotive Excellence

Jerry Seinfeld: Comedian with a Passion for Cars

Jerry Seinfeld, renowned for his groundbreaking 90s sitcom, is not just a comedy legend but also a serious car enthusiast. Beyond his television success, Seinfeld has amassed an awe-inspiring collection of sports cars, recognized as one of the most prestigious among celebrities. His collection features rare and classic models, including the celebrated 1964 Porsche 911, highlighting his refined taste in automotive treasures.

Exploring Seinfeld’s Automotive Treasures

Valued at approximately $100 million according to Yahoo Finance, Seinfeld’s collection boasts over 150 cars, including experimental and ultra-rare models. Among these, the 1964 Porsche 911 stands out, not only for its design but also its historical significance as the first production model made specifically for Ferry Porsche, the son of the Porsche founder. This particular vehicle alone, purchased and restored at significant expense, exemplifies the high-caliber and value of his collection.

Iconic Models and Future Prospects

The 1964 Porsche 911, a cornerstone of Seinfeld’s collection, features a flat-six engine and a five-speed manual transmission, reaching speeds up to 130 miles per hour. Alongside this, his collection includes other Porsche marvels like the 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder and the 2011 Porsche 997 Roadster. Additionally, the 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing is noted as the crown jewel, valued at an estimated $6.82 million, showcasing his diverse and high-value collection.

A 1964 Porsche 911
Porsche 911 | Porsche

Added Factual and Beneficial Information:

Significance of Car Restoration and Collecting

Seinfeld’s dedication to restoring classic cars like his 1964 Porsche 911 underlines the importance of preservation in the car collecting world. Restoration not only enhances a car’s aesthetic and mechanical performance but also significantly boosts its historical and monetary value, making it a worthwhile investment for serious collectors.

Impact of Celebrity Collections on Car Culture

Celebrity car collections like Jerry Seinfeld’s play a crucial role in shaping car culture and influencing public perceptions about car collecting. They highlight the artistic and engineering significance of automobiles, turning car collection into a form of artistic expression and a testament to technological evolution.

Looking Forward: The Future of Collecting

As Seinfeld continues to expand his illustrious car collection, he contributes to the preservation and celebration of automotive history. His public showcase of these vehicles in series like Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee not only shares his passion but also educates and inspires fellow car enthusiasts and the general public, fostering a deeper appreciation for automotive artistry and heritage.

Was KITT From Knight Rider Just Sassy Siri?

KITT represented an AI-equipped, crime-fighting car of the 1980s. However, while KITT was science fiction, AI assistance in your car is a reality today.

You can probably hear the synthy theme music at the mere mention of Knight Rider. But just as memorable as the Knight Rider theme song is the black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am and its on-board artificial intelligence (AI), KITT. However, times have changed. Siri can handle several of the tasks that KITT performed to aid David Hasselhoff in his crusade for justice.

Years later, KITT from Knight Rider might just be David Hasselhoff’s first glimpse of Siri

The “Knight 2000 Microprocessor,” or the AI brain behind the 1982 Pontiac Trans Am in Knight Rider could do all sorts of crazy things for its driver, or “Knight.” Upon David Hasselhoff’s demand, KITT could use electronic jamming architecture to disable hostile vehicles. Beyond countermeasures, the intelligent muscle car had a turbo boost facility which would allow the car to vault through the air, per Volo Cars.

However, artificial intelligence isn’t science fiction like it was in the 1980s. Today, car drivers can use Amazon Alexa or Siri in hundreds of different models, from the now-discontinued Chrysler 300 to a 2023 Indian Chieftain touring motorcycle. Better yet, the AI-equipped digital assistants will do everything from finding you the next available gas station to prioritizing your favorite playlist.

A replica KITT from Knight Rider resembling the one David Hasselhoff drove in the show shows off its interior.
A KITT replica’s interior | Herencias via iStock

OK, there are a few things KITT could do that you won’t accomplish with Siri or Amazon Alexa. You’re not going to get anywhere asking Siri to use on-board flamethrowers or flares. That, and Amazon Alexa probably isn’t going to allow you to use a grappling hook in your 2023 Chevrolet Corvette. However, you could tell Siri to call you Michael Knight. I’m just saying.

“I can’t believe this. A car that talks back to me.” Thus began the relationship between David Hasselhoff and his sentient 80s muscle car. Check out the clip below to get a glimpse at the first time Hasselhoff hit the streets with KITT in Knight Rider.